
Last updated: 7 May, 2021
  • No Ties to HICs
  • Woman-Led
Company Overview
Geographies Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda
Core Service Areas Digital/ Product Distribution
Founder(s) Wilson Kutegeka, Frank Mutebi, Diana Kemigisa
Founded 2013
Core Offerings
ClinicMaster has developed a comprehensive HMIS system for clinics and hospitals to improve patient data records, inventory management of internal pharmacies, and dispensation of medication. The software provides an overview of available inventory, sends notification to alert pharmacists of short expiry drugs in the inventory, and facilitates the procurement process with the goal of preventing stock-outs and overstock issues. Pharmacists use the software to generate data and statistics that help them make informed decisions for the procurement process. Furthermore, when doctors prescribe medication, they have visibility of the pharmacy stock, and receive recommendations of other medication that can be prescribed based on the diagnosis entered in the system. Recommendation of additional products is AI-driven.
Funding & Key Investors
Private Sector Foundation

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